Welcome to BSMS.PK
BSMS aims to provide a standard platform to allow clients in Pakistan to send SMS from Internet. This includes SMS alerts, SMS competitions, SMS voting, SMS information services, SMS marketing campaigns or SMS for CRM. The service focuses for better customer relationships, if you want to spread your voice before crowd in a professional way that can bring more business and can convey what you actually want to deliver. BSMS.pk helps you in this regard with professional attitude.

SMS Portal - Stress free with easy to use UI
BSMS is a SMS sending service helping engage businesses their updating, informing, campaigning them making it hassle free for use. Messaging has emerged as an important marketing medium to get in touch with your customers and subscribers, and it is an effect alternative for email marketing.
BSMS.pk has been emerged as a notification service through text. We are offering premium service at best rates.
Create, manage and track your SMS campaigns straight from your browser Stress free Infrastructure less environment with easy to use UI and start using on the go!

What Makes Us Special?
There are a ton of reasons why you should choose us, but here are a handful.
After taking a keen look you'll surely choose us proudly.

Unicode Messages
BSMS enables you to send SMS in the language of your choice. With BSMS you can send non-English characters in your SMS message. A Unicode message will be at most 70 characters per SMS.

Schedule Messages
This feature is perfect for when you know you will not be at your desk when an SMS message needs to go out. You can schedule your SMS text messages to be sent at a future date and time.

BSMS masking feature helps in sending bulk promotional and transactional SMS with a sender ID. An effective way of advertising with 100% masking delivery on all networks in Pakistan.
Features that work for you
Real time Delivery Reports
Delivery receipts for each individual SMS are tracked and posted back to your application, providing an audit trail that shows your application the exact time each message you send is delivered to the handset.
Long SMS Concatenation
Messages longer than 160 (GSM ASCII) characters are automatically concatenated (upto 700 characters) seamlessly on the user's end and delivered as a Single SMS.
SMS campaign tools
Powerful tools for targeted SMS marketing campaigns. Segment customers and reach them directly with an SMS marketing message.
Adaptive routing
Smart routing algorithms determine the quickest available channel for delivery or rerouting.
Flexible management
Manage contacts, group, even import from excel file. Send to groups, contacts, direct numbers at your convenience.
Assured Throughput Rates
Made possible by the very high capacity of our Cloud, we are able to assure you a minimum message submission throughput of 150 SMS per second.
Got Impressed to our features?
Client satisfaction is our priority and client feedback is our asset. We strive hard to provide our clients maximum. We deal our clients with due attention and care.
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